Spectrum Badges
#PBW-1530 Rectangle

Production Time: 10 Working Days
5 $13.60 each
10 $7.75 each
25 $4.25 each
50 $3.10 each
100 $2.50 each
$40.00 each
Unique Spectrum badges allow staff to express themselves! Spectrum badges include UV Inket logo, up to 6 lines of personalization and 153-EZ pin fastener. Magnetic or other eners available at additional cost.

Normal Production Time
10 Working Days

Product Size
1 1/2 x 3"

Additional Information
Each badge includes: full color imprint and up to 6 lines of personalizations. Comes 153-EZ pin fastener, Optional fasteners (magnets, strap clips, lanyards, swivel clips, etc.) are available for an additional charge

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